July 11, 2024

Does Nvidia Stock Mania resemble Cisco in late 1990s?

My friend Deb is in her 70s, invested in Nvidia back in 2017 at stock price of $4 equivalent of today’s price of $135 after accounting the stock splits. She has held it ever since and never sold.  We tease her that she should sell some stock and take an exotic vacation. She quips- one…

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February 6, 2024

GenAI- True Adoption in enterprise today?

Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) has been making headlines the past year since ChatGPT launched in Nov 2022. The S&P 500 is at record highs gaining 24% in 2023 and now hitting all-time highs. GenAI has been mentioned nearly 40% of S&P earnings calls this earnings season and some of large tech companies are seeing 50%+…

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July 25, 2017

How does David take on and become Goliath? Startups disrupting industry leaders

We love the story of David and Goliath. The biblical young small David hits the mighty Goliath with a stone in the center of his forehead. Goliath falls down and David wins. Remember the Super Bowl 2002, when New England Patriots was the underdog and defeated the favored St Louis RAMS. Fast-forward 15 years, New…

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August 1, 2016

4 steps for taking your idea from conceptualization to execution

We all get ideas either in the shower or while driving in traffic or while we are dreaming. The question is “Do we take action?” Most of us don’t as our mind gives us so many excuses- “ I don’t know where to start, I am happy where I am or I have to pay…

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August 1, 2016

Is your organization practicing Psychological Safety?

Have you ever been in a conference room, and you know that something discussed is not right and you don’t feel comfortable expressing yourself because you think it may not be taken well? I don’t know about you but I have been there many a time. I was browsing one of the Linkedin posts and…

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